Create templates from anywhere.
By default, you can use your license key (Which can be found within your account dashboard) to check if your authentication works.
Please note: The API is only available within the premium plan.
To only authenticate yourself, you need to perform a POST request to the following URL:
As the content type, you need to define JSON:
Content-Type: application/json
Within the body of the request, you can simply send a JSON, which contains the plpl_ussauth key, including your license key:
{ "plpl_ussauth": "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" }
IMPORTANT: For the API to work, it is required to set the plugin name and plugin slug. Please take a look at the "Generate plugin template" section down below.
Generate plugin template
To generate a plugin template, you need to extend the payload you have defined for authenticating yourself with the above setup.
To make it work, you need to add the plugin_data argument and add the plugin related settings there. To learn more about them, please see the full example payload down below.
The arguments pluginplate_plugin_name and pluginplate_plugin_slug are required.
Here is an example of how the basic setup look like:
{ "plpl_ussauth": "MY_API_KEY", "plugin_data": { "main": { "pluginplate_plugin_name": "", "pluginplate_plugin_slug": "" }, "modules": {} } }
Full example
Down below you will find a full example on how to create the plugin template including all of the features and modules.
Important: If you wish you only add specific modules, simply remove them from the modules list.
{ "plpl_ussauth": "MY_API_KEY", "plugin_data": { "main": { "pluginplate_plugin_name": "", "pluginplate_plugin_slug": "", "pluginplate_plugin_uri": "", "pluginplate_plugin_version": "", "pluginplate_plugin_prefix": "", "pluginplate_plugin_short_description": "", "pluginplate_author_name": "", "pluginplate_author_email": "", "pluginplate_author_uri": "" }, "modules": { "pluginplate_add_gpl": [ { "license_version": "", "support_later_versions": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_readme": [ { "contributors": "", "tags": "", "requires_at_least": "", "tested_up_to": "", "requires_php": "", "description": "", "faq": "", "donate_link": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_helper_documentation": [ [] ], "pluginplate_add_plugin_list_link": [ { "url": "", "title": "", "open_new_tab": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_config_files": [ { "gitignore": "", "distignore": "", "editorconfig": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_css_support": [ { "load_admin": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_js_support": [ { "load_admin": "", "js_in_footer": "", "jquery_dependency": "", "ajax_example": "", "heartbeat_example": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_topbar_menu_item": [ { "menu_title": "", "sub_menu_title": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_edd_settings_tab": [ [] ], "pluginplate_add_wp_webhooks": [ { "add_custom_settings": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_shortcode": [ { "tag": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_de_activation_hook": [ { "add_hooks": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_admin_menu_page": [ { "options_panel": "", "parent_slug": "", "page_title": "", "menu_title": "", "menu_slug": "", "capability": "", "icon_url": "", "menu_position": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_wp_cli_support": [ [] ], "pluginplate_add_rest_api_support": [ [] ], "pluginplate_add_dashboard_widget": [ { "widget_title": "", "widget_content": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_custom_post_type": [ { "post_type": "", "post_type_name_s": "", "post_type_name_p": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_edd_plugin_updater": [ { "store_url": "", "store_download_id": "", "license_key": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_wc_settings_page": [ { "page_name": "" } ], "pluginplate_add_acf_options_page": [ { "page_title": "", "menu_title": "", "sub_menu": "" } ] } } }
If creating your plugin template was successful, we return success as a response, including the file_url argument which contains the remote URL for downloading your plugin template.
Please note: Your plugin template file will be available for one hour after creating it. After, it will be permanently deleted.
{ "success": true, "msg": "Your plugin template was successfully created. The file will be available for one hour.", "file_url": "{plugin-slug}.zip", }